Saturday, October 3, 2020

Assurance of his constant presence

Consider a church starting where offerings first go to missions.  The staff salaries and benefits aren't a priority.  They aren't even included in the budget.  The building expenses and budget aren't something to worry about.  Monies that come in are first split to various SBC organizations, local campus ministries, benevolence to needing peoples, and other areas benefiting kingdom growth before covering business expenses. (Like a website, Computer, printer, postage, paper).  There is no office space to rent.  Just generously, we might give to a business that allow us to share temporary spaces for a meeting.  For DTPHXCHURCH

Carissa Quinn intro.

Engel scale video

Read:  Matthew 28:16-20  or from The Voice 

16 The eleven disciples, having spoken to the Marys, headed to Galilee, to the mountain where they were to meet Jesus. 17 When the disciples saw Jesus there, many of them fell down and worshiped, as Mary and the other Mary had done. But a few hung back. They were not sure (and who can blame them?). 18 Jesus came forward and addressed His beloved disciples.

*The disciples don’t know what to think or how to act. Nothing like this has ever happened before - the Voice.

Jesus: I am here speaking with all the authority of God, who has commanded Me to give you this commission: 19 Go out and make disciples in all the nations. Ceremonially wash them through baptism in the name of the triune God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 20 Then disciple them. Form them in the practices and postures that I have taught you, and show them how to follow the commands I have laid down for you. And I will be with you, day after day, to the end of the age.
The disciples are told to go to a mountain after witnessing Jesus’ life, death, and powerful resurrection. When they see Jesus alive on the mount, this amazing encounter leads many to worship Jesus, but some of the disciples still doubt what they’ve seen. Jesus comes closer and tells his disciples to go to all the nations with the authority of his name, the testimony of his message, and the assurance of his constant presence.
Bible Project Video on Witness

Question 1:
Why do you think some disciples doubted when they witnessed Jesus alive from the dead? What do we need to believe in order to move away from doubt into worshipful amazement?

Question 2:
Review verse 19. What are disciples of Jesus commissioned to do exactly? What happens to our Christian witness when we neglect an aspect of this call (i.e., only make disciples of our own nationality or only teach some of Jesus’ commands)

Question 3:
What do you think can happen when we seek to obey Jesus’ commission (vs. 19) without remembering his promise to never leave us (vs. 20)? Reflect on this powerful promise and how it is fulfilled in the gift of the Holy Spirit (see Acts 1:3-9). In response, pray to remember his gift.

Question 4: 
How can you bear witness to what you have seen, heard, and learned about Jesus?

Copyright © 2020 The Bible Project 1302 SE Ankeny St Portland, OR 97214 Church at Home series Jon Collins, Tim Mackie, Carissa Quinn

The Voice Bible Copyright © 2012 Thomas Nelson, Inc. The Voice™ translation © 2012 Ecclesia Bible Society All rights reserved.

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