Colleen and I are in North Carolina You've got this. Worship isn't something that happens because a certain person is present to lead you. It happens because of the worth-ship of our Heavenly Father! He's worthy regardless of you or me... Worship happens when we are in agreement with Him that He is worthy of our praise and adoration.
Worship in #OpenSpaces
Reader #1:
1 Chronicles 16:23-31 The Voice (VOICE)
23 Now, sing to the Eternal, all the earth!
Announce the good news of His salvation each and every day!
24 Enlighten the nations to His splendor;
describe His wondrous acts to all people!
25 For the Eternal is great indeed and praiseworthy,
feared and reverenced above all gods.
26 For all gods are worthless idols,
but the Eternal plotted the vast heavens.
27 Honor and majesty precede Him;
strength and beauty infuse His holy sanctuary.
28 Give all credit to the Eternal, families of the world!
Credit Him with honor and strength!
29 Credit Him with the glory worthy of His magnificent name;
gather your sacrifice, and present it before Him.
Bow down to the Eternal, adorned in holiness.
30 Fear Him, all the earth.
For the earth is firmly rooted; it cannot move.
31 Heavens, be glad; earth, rejoice.
Say to the nations, “The Eternal One reigns.”
Reader #2:
Psalm 29
A song of David.
1 Give all credit to the Eternal, O heavenly creatures;
give praise to Him for His glory and power.
2 Give to the Eternal the glory due His name;
worship Him with lavish displays of sacred splendor.
3 The voice of the Eternal echoes over the great waters;
God’s magnificence roars like thunder.
The Eternal’s presence hovers over all the waters.
4 His voice explodes in great power over the earth.
His voice is both regal and grand.
5 The Eternal’s voice shatters the cedars;
His power splinters the great cedars of Lebanon.
6 He speaks, and Lebanon leaps like a young calf;
Sirion jumps like a wild, youthful ox.
7 The voice of the Eternal cuts through with flames of fire.
8 The voice of the Eternal rumbles through the wilderness
with great quakes;
He causes Kadesh to tremble.
9 The Eternal’s voice brings life from the doe’s womb;
His voice strips the forest bare,
and all the people in the temple declare, “Glory!”
10 The Eternal is enthroned over the great flood;
His reign is unending.
11 We ask You, Eternal One, to give strength to Your people;
Eternal One, bless them with the gift of peace.
Rob and Monna - Selah 1 & prayer
Verse 1 We've waited for this day
We're gathered in Your Name Calling out to You
Your glory like a fire awakening desire
Will burn our hearts with truth
Pre-Chorus You're the reason we're here You're the reason we're singing Chorus 1 Open up the heavens we want to see You
Open up the floodgates a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart Filling every part of our praise
Verse 2 Your presence in this place
Your glory on our face
We're looking to the sky
Descending like a cloud You're standing with us now
Lord unveil our eyes
Pre-Chorus You're the reason we're here You're the reason we're singing Chorus 1 Open up the heavens we want to see You
Open up the floodgates a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart Filling every part of our praise
Bridge Show us show us Your glory Show us show us Your power
Show us show us Your glory Lord
Encourage and teach in #SmallGatherings
Reader #3
2 Corinthians 13 - Paul writes to the church in Corinth
5 Examine yourselves. Check your faith! Are you really in the faith? Do you still not know that Jesus the Anointed is in you?—unless, of course, you have failed the test. 6 Surely you will realize we have not failed the test, 7 but we pray to God that you will stay away from evil. What’s important is not whether we appear to have passed the test, but that you do what is right and act honorably, even if it appears that we have failed. 8 For there’s nothing we can do to oppose the truth; all we can do is align ourselves with it. 9 You see, we celebrate when we are weak but you are strong. Our prayer is simple: that you may be whole and complete. 10 How I hope I am saving you by writing this to you in advance; this letter will spare me from using the Lord’s authority to come down on you when I arrive. His intention in giving me this authority is to build you up, not tear you down.
11 Finally, brothers and sisters, keep rejoicing and repair whatever is broken. Encourage each other, think as one, and live at peace; and God, the Author of love and peace, will remain with you. 12 Greet each other with a holy kiss, as brothers and sisters. 13 All the saints here with me send you their greeting.
14 May the grace of the Lord Jesus the Anointed, the love of God the Father, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit remain with you all. [Amen.]
Reader #4
1 Thessalonians 5:11 The Voice (VOICE)
Leading a group of seminary
students around Downtown |
11 So support one another. Keep building each other up as you have been doing.
Rob and Monna - Selah 2
Verse 1 Come Thou Fount of ev'ry blessing
Tune my heart to sing Thy grace
Streams of mercy never ceasing
Call for songs of loudest praise
Teach me some melodious sonnet
Sung by flaming tongues above
Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it
Mount of God's redeeming love
Verse 2 Here I raise my Ebenezer
Hither to Thy help I'm come
And I hope by Thy good pleasure
Safely to arrive at home
Jesus sought me when a stranger
Wand'ring from the fold of God
He to rescue me from danger
Interposed His precious blood
Verse 3 O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let Thy goodness like a fetter
Bind my wand'ring heart to Thee
Prone to wander Lord I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart O take and seal it
Seal it for Thy courts above
We value our #StrategicPartnerships within our community
Reader #5
Jeremiah’s Letter: 4 This is what the Eternal, Commander of heavenly armies and God of Israel, says to those He exiled from Jerusalem to Babylon: 5 “Build houses—make homes for your families because you are not coming back to Judah anytime soon. Plant gardens, and eat the food you grow there. 6 Marry and have children; find wives for your sons, and give your daughters in marriage, so that they can have children. During these years of captivity, let your families grow and not die out. 7 Pursue the peace and welfare of the city where I sent you into exile. Pray to Me, the Eternal, for Babylon because if it has peace, you will live in peace.”
Reader #6
Colossians 1 - Hear our Prayer
vs 9: “Father, may they clearly know Your will and achieve the height and depth of spiritual wisdom and understanding. 10 May their lives be a credit to You, Lord; and what’s more, may they continue to delight You by doing every good work and growing in the true knowledge that comes from being close to You. 11 Strengthen them with Your infinite power, according to Your glorious might, so that they will have everything they need to hold on and endure hardship patiently and joyfully. 12 Thank You, Father, as You have made us[d] eligible to receive our portion of the inheritance given to all those set apart by the light. 13 You have rescued us from dark powers and brought us safely into the kingdom of Your Son, whom You love 14 and in whom we are redeemed and forgiven of our sins.”
Rob and Monna - Selah 3 & prayer
verse 1: Here would I run
But to the throne of mercy
Where would I kneel
But at this cross of grace
How great the love
How strong the hand that holds us
Beautiful so beautiful
Chorus 1 So here I bow to lift You high
Jesus be glorified In all things for all my life
I am Yours forever Yours
Verse 2 There is a King Who bore the scars of healing
There is a Son who came in grace and truth
How great the love That carries us to kindness
Wonderful You’re wonderful
(Bridge) God here and now be lifted high
Right here and now be glorified God of Heaven and Earth God who brought me back to life I am Yours forever Yours
Expressing Christ’s #HappyGenerosity to all we can
Reader #7
Proverbs 14:21
21 Whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner,
but blessed is he who is generous to the poor.
Reader #8
1 Timothy 6
17 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. 18 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, 19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.
Stories of the Week
Take time to remind each other of God’s presence in your lives. Where did you see God’s Hand at work since we’ve last seen each other?
Lord’s Communion - Led by Harlan and Karleen
LORD I NEED YOU - sung word by Rob & Monna
Lord I come I confess
Bowing here I find my rest
And without You I fall apart
You're the one that guides my heart
Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness Oh God how I need You Verse 2
Where sin runs deep
Your grace is more
Where grace is found
Is where You are
And where You are Lord
I am free
Holiness is Christ in me
Where You are Lord
I am free
Holiness is Christ in me
Lord I need You
oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You
So teach my song to rise to You
When temptation comes my way
And when I cannot stand
I'll fall on You Jesus
You're my hope and stay
And when I cannot stand
I'll fall on You Jesus
You're my hope and stay
Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You
Lord I need You oh I need You
Ev'ry hour I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You
My one defense my righteousness
Oh God how I need You
Serving God #EveryDay of the week
Reader #9
Psalm 145 - Praise and Close: Benediction to All
I will extol you, my God and King,
and bless your name forever and ever.
2 Every day I will bless you
and praise your name forever and ever.
3 Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,
and his greatness is unsearchable.
4 One generation shall commend your works to another,
and shall declare your mighty acts.
5 On the glorious splendor of your majesty,
and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.
6 They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,
and I will declare your greatness.
7 They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness
and shall sing aloud of your
Rob and Monna - Selah 4
Verse 1
I stand amazed in the presence Of Jesus the Nazarene
And wonder how He could love me
A sinner condemned unclean
Chorus 1 (Singin') (Ev'rybody singin')
How marvelous how wonderful
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous how wonderful
Is my Savior's love for me
Verse 2
He took my sins and my sorrows
He made them His very own (And)
He bore the burden to Calvary
And suffered and died alone
Verse 3
And with the ransomed in glory
His face I last shall see
It will be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me